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Are you familiar with the different types of malocclusions that can plague your smile? Malocclusions, also known as bad bites, arise when your teeth slip and slide out of position. Frequently asked questions regarding the different kinds of malocclusions that can arise are as follows:

Question: What is a malocclusion?
Answer: A malocclusion is an oral health condition in which teeth are not in their proper alignment.

Question: What are the common varieties of malocclusions?

Types of incisor malocclusions:
– Misplaced midlines
– Underbites, also known as bulldog teeth
– Open bites
– Overbites, also known as buck teeth
– Deep bites, also known as closed bites

Other Common forms of malocclusion:
– Spacing malocclusions
– Transposition malocclusions
– Rotation malocclusions

Question: What is one of the best methods for treating malocclusions?
To properly treat any bad bites that may have arisen, it is important to make sure you visit your dentist for procedures to help straighten your teeth.

If you are showing symptoms of malocclusions, come visit our office for orthodontic treatments today. With the expert care of Dr. Kevin Caldwell and our wonderful team at our office in Webb City, Missouri, we can rebuild your smile. To set up an appointment, call us at 417.673.1988. A straighter, healthy smile is a happy smile!