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There are many reasons you should see your dentist for regular professional teeth cleanings. The biggest reason is to maintain excellent oral health, resulting in a healthy smile. Preventing tooth decay and gum disease is an ongoing challenge that can be achieved with good daily oral habits along with regular dental cleanings. This is why you brush and floss your teeth every single day. Good oral habits remove bacteria in the mouth, along with food particles left behind after eating that can form into a sticky film called plaque. Over time, plaque hardens into tartar, or calculus, which can only be removed by special scaling tools used by your dental team.

Another reason professional dental cleanings are necessary is to prevent disease in the body, including heart disease, dementia and diabetes. Studies have found that people with moderate or advanced gum disease are more likely to have heart disease and stroke than those who have healthy gums. Not only that, but people with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease or other issues in the mouth.

Researchers found that the bacteria in gum disease, known as porphyromonas gingivalis was found in the brains of some people who also had dementia. It is thought that the bacteria has a higher chance of making its way to the brains of those who have Alzheimer’s. There also appears to be a link between inflammation in the body, including poor dental health, along with dementia.

So, a healthy mouth is not just good for your teeth and gums, but is good for your overall health as well. Our goal is to keep you free from tooth decay and gum disease, resulting in a healthier you overall!

To schedule a visit with Dr. Kevin L. Caldwell, Dr. please call our dental team in Webb City, Missouri at 417.673.1988 today.