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Your new ceramic braces are just like traditional wire and bracket braces, only the visible hardware has been coated with a porcelain-ceramic material that closely matches your natural teeth. These braces represent a serious investment in improving the alignment of your teeth, giving you an appealing smile that can last a lifetime. Damage to your braces can increase the total amount of time you need to wear them.

Your mouth and your braces can be damaged by blows to the head and face. Let us know in advance if you plan to take part in any contact sports. We can provide you with a custom mouth guard that will protect your teeth and braces with maximum comfort and ease of breathing.

It’s important to keep in mind that the enamel of your teeth stains faster and deeper than the porcelain coating on the braces. Try to avoid tobacco, dark beverages and foods known to cause staining. If you do have slightly stained teeth, don’t use teeth whitening products as they won’t be able to affect the enamel under the brackets.

Chewing gum and sticky foods can easily get stuck in the wires and bands causing damage or even breaking a bracket loose. The same threat is posed by eating crunchy foods, hard candy and chewing on things like pens, pencils and ice.

Make sure to brush and floss twice per day to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. A water jet or interdental brushes can also help you clean food particles and plaque from some of the hard to reach places.

If you have questions or you are due for your next adjustment, please feel free to call us at 417.673.1988 to schedule your next appointment.